
Study aids:



Map like one that might be used on the exam

Lectures and online requirements

Winter 2010 sections:

Introduction pdf iconswf icon

movie: Darwin's Dangerous Idea

Evolutionpdf iconswf icon

Geneticspdf iconswf icon

Cell structure movie

techy, but good description of transcription and translation. Don't worry about the terms except the basics: transcription, intron, exon, translation, transcription factor, mRNA, tRNA

Macroevolutionpdf iconswf icon

PBS evolution: Great Transformations

Primatespdf iconswf icon

Guns Germs and Steele video

Quiz review pdf icon

Homo sapiens genetics video

The real Eve

Human Variationpdf iconswf icon

Geologypdf icon

Primate Originspdf icon

African Common Ancestorpdf icon

Movie 'Ape to Man' (Watch all YouTube clips)

Ardipithecus clip

africanus to erectuspdf icon

erectus to neanderthalspdf icon

midterm review

Homo sapiens diasporapdf icon

Movie: The Mind's Big Bang



Important CSUEB dates

Book: Our Origins

Week 1

. Reading: Chapters 1 & 2
• Class procedures, policies, etc. What is biological anthropology?
• History of science and evolutionary theory
• Evolution movie

Week 2

. Reading: Chapters 2 & 3
• Biology and evolution
• The world of publications; Discuss ideas assignment; Evolution movie 2

Week 3

MLK day holiday

. Reading: Chapters 3 & 4
• Genetics

Week 4

. Reading: Chapters 5 & 6
• Introduction to primates; Primate behavior; Primate analogies
Modern human variation and adaptations

Week 5

Reading: Chapter 7
Bones and teeth, fossil formation, Stratigraphy, dating, paleoenvironment
Quiz !!

Week 6

. Reading: Chapters 8 & 9
Chimp movie
Fossil primates

Week 7

. Reading: Chapters 9 & 10
• Origins of hominins; Early hominids - Australopithecus

Week 8

. Reading: Chapters 10

Australopithecus - early Homo
Homo erectus - the middle Pleistocene

Week 9

. Reading: Chapters 10-11 • Middle Pleistocene-neanderthals and
Homo sapiens origins


Video-Becoming Human Parts 1 & 2

Week 10

. Reading: Chapters 11 12
•Homo sapiens dispersal • modern human variation• The agricultural revolution • Archaeology, bioarchaeology


Week 11 Finals Week

ANTH 1100 Grades

The upper chart is how grades are now assigned. In the end I will assign a few B's. The lower chart looks like the final breakdown.

grade chart