William Henry Gilbert
Curriculum Vitae
Department of Anthropology, Geography, and Environmental Studies
Hayward, CA 94542
Human Evolution Research Center
3101 Valley Life Sciences Building
Berkeley, CA 94703
2006-Present California State University,
East Bay Associate Professor, Department of Anthropology, Geography, and Environmental Studies
2005-Present University of
California, Berkeley Researcher, Human Evolution Research Center
2006-Present Kesem Kebena
2007-Present FOROST (www.forost.org) Co-director, FOROST forensic osteology metadata
2003-2005 University of California,
Postdoctoral Scholar, Human Evolution Research Center
2003 University of California,
PhD, Integrative Biology
1994 University of California,
Santa Barbara BA, Biological
Books and Volumes
2008 Gilbert, W. & B. Asfaw, eds. Homo erectus: Pleistocene Evidence from the Middle Awash, Ethiopia. University of California Press
Reviews of this work:
2003 The Daka Member of the Bouri Formation,
Middle Awash Valley, Ethiopia: Fauna, Stratigraphy, and Environment Ph. D.
Thesis, University of California, Berkeley, Department of Integrative Biology
2000 de Heinzelin, J., J.
Clark, K. Schick, & W. Gilbert. The Acheulean and the Plio-Pleistocene
Deposits of the Middle Awash Valley, Ethiopia. MusŽe Royal de
LÕAfrique Centrale, Tervuren, Belgium
Journal Articles, Book Chapters, Field Reports, and Published Abstracts
2018 Gilbert, W. H. Early Hominids. in: Wiley Encyclopedia of Anthropology
2014 Gilbert, W. H. Antiquities Rescue & Environmental Impact Management, Kesem Kebena Dulecha, Ethiopia. Report to the Authority for Research and Conservation of Cultural Heritage, Ethiopia(restricted document: request password for viewing)
2013 Gilbert, W. H. Antiquities Rescue & Environmental Impact Management, Kesem Kebena Dulecha, Ethiopia. Report to the Authority for Research and Conservation of Cultural Heritage, Ethiopia(restricted document: request password for viewing)
2012 Gilbert, W. H. Antiquities Rescue & Environmental Impact Management, Kesem Kebena Dulecha, Ethiopia. Report to the Authority for Research and Conservation of Cultural Heritage, Ethiopia(restricted document: request password for viewing)
2011 Gilbert, W. H., Serrano Sánchez C, Báez-Molgado S y Raúl Castillo-Castro. El desarrollo de una base de metadatos: FOROST. Estudios de Antropología Biológica, XV: 4963, México, 2011, ISSN 1405-5066.
2008 WoldeGabriel, G., W. H. Gilbert, W. K. Hart, P. R. Renne, and S. H. Ambrose.
Geology and Geochronology in Gilbert, W. & B.
Asfaw, eds. Homo erectus: Pleistocene Evidence
from the Middle Awash, Ethiopia. University of California Press
2008 Gilbert, W. H., Bovidae. in Gilbert, W.
& B. Asfaw, eds. Homo erectus: Pleistocene Evidence from the Middle Awash,
Ethiopia. University of California Press
2008 Gilbert, W. H., Nuria Garc’a, and F. Clark Howell. Carnivora.
in Gilbert, W. & B. Asfaw, eds. Homo erectus:
Pleistocene Evidence from the Middle Awash, Ethiopia. University of
California Press
2008 Gilbert, W. H., and S. Frost. Cercopithecidae. in Gilbert, W. & B. Asfaw, eds. Homo erectus:
Pleistocene Evidence from the Middle Awash, Ethiopia. University of
California Press
2008 Gilbert, W. H., and Raymond L. Bernor. Equidae. in Gilbert, W. & B. Asfaw, eds. Homo erectus:
Pleistocene Evidence from the Middle Awash, Ethiopia. University of
California Press
2008 Gilbert, W. H., Giraffidae. in
Gilbert, W. & B. Asfaw, eds. Homo erectus: Pleistocene Evidence
from the Middle Awash, Ethiopia. University of California Press
2008 Boisserie, J.-R., and W. Henry Gilbert. Hippopotamidae. in Gilbert, W. & B. Asfaw,
eds. Homo
erectus: Pleistocene Evidence from the Middle Awash, Ethiopia.
University of California Press
2008 Saegusa, H., and W. H. Gilbert. Elephantidae. in Gilbert, W. & B. Asfaw, eds. Homo erectus:
Pleistocene Evidence from the Middle Awash, Ethiopia. University of
California Press
2008 Gilbert, W. H., Rhinocerotidae. in
Gilbert, W. & B. Asfaw, eds. Homo erectus: Pleistocene Evidence
from the Middle Awash, Ethiopia. University of California Press
2008 Gilbert, W. H., Suidae. in Gilbert,
W. & B. Asfaw, eds. Homo erectus: Pleistocene Evidence from the Middle Awash,
Ethiopia. University of California Press
2008 Gilbert, W. H., and Tom Stidham Rare Taxa in Gilbert, W.
& B. Homo
erectus: Pleistocene Evidence from the Middle Awash, Ethiopia.
University of California Press
2008 Berhane
Asfaw, W. Henry Gilbert, and Gary Richards. Homo erectus
cranial anatomy. in
Gilbert, W. & B. Asfaw, eds. Homo erectus: Pleistocene Evidence
from the Middle Awash, Ethiopia. University of California Press
2008 Gilbert, W. H., Ralph Holloway, Gen Suwa, Reiko T. Kono, and Daisuke Kubo. Tomographic analysis of the Daka Calvaria. in Gilbert, W. & B. Asfaw,
eds. Homo
erectus: Pleistocene Evidence from the Middle Awash, Ethiopia.
University of California Press
2008 Gilbert, W. H., Hominid Systematics. in
Gilbert, W. & B. Asfaw, eds. Homo erectus: Pleistocene Evidence
from the Middle Awash, Ethiopia. University of California Press
2008 Gilbert, W. H.,. Daka Member Hominid Postcranial Remains. in Gilbert, W. & B. Asfaw,
eds. Homo
erectus: Pleistocene Evidence from the Middle Awash, Ethiopia.
University of California Press
2008 Gilbert, W. H.,. Ecological and Biogeographic Context of the Daka
Member. in Gilbert, W.
& B. Asfaw, eds. Homo erectus: Pleistocene Evidence from the Middle Awash,
Ethiopia. University of California Press
2008 Gilbert, W. H.,. Conclusions: Evolutionary Insights from the Daka Member. in Gilbert, W. & B. Asfaw,
eds. Homo
erectus: Pleistocene Evidence from the Middle Awash, Ethiopia.
University of California Press
2007 Degusta,D., H.
Gilbert, G. Richards, and T. White. Methods for studying bone modification. In:
medio ambiente y cultura: Aportaciones a la Antropolog’a de la Muerte. C.
Serrano and A. Terrazas, Eds. Universidad Nacional Aut—noma
de MŽxico Instituto de Investigaciones Antropol—gicas. MŽxico City
2006 White, T., Howell, F.,
& W. Gilbert. The earliest Metridiochoerus (Artiodactyla: Suidae)
from the Usno Formation, Ethiopia. Transactions of the Royal
Society of South Africa 61: 75-80
2006 White, T., WoldeGabriel, G., Asfaw, B., Ambrose, S.,
Beyene, Y., Bernor, R., Boisserie, J., Currie, B., Gilbert, W., Haile-Selassie,
Y., Hart,, W., Hlusko, L., Howell, F., Kono, R.,
Louchart, A., Lovejoy, C. O., Renne, P., Saegusa, H., Vrba, E., Wesselman, H.,
and G. Suwa. Asa Issie, Aramis, and the Origin of Australopithecus.
Nature 440: 883-889
2003 Gilbert, W., White,
T., B. Asfaw. Homo erectus, Homo ergaster, Homo "cepranensis,"
and the Daka cranium. Journal of Human Evolution 45:255-259
2003 White, T., B. Asfaw, D. DeGusta, W. Gilbert, G.
Richards, G. Suwa, & F. C. Howell. Pleistocene Homo sapiens from Middle Awash, Ethiopia. Nature
2003 Clark, J., Y. Beyene, G. Woldegabriel, W.
Hart, P. Renne, W. Gilbert, A. Defleur, G. Suwa, S. Katoh, K. Ludwig, J.-R. Boisserie, B. Asfaw, & T. White. Stratigraphic, chronological and behavioural contexts of
Pleistocene Homo
sapiens from Middle Awash, Ethiopia. Nature
2002 Asfaw, B., W. Gilbert, Y. Beyene, W. Hart,
P. Renne, G. WoldeGabriel, E. Vrba, & T. White. Remains ofHomo erectus
from Bouri, Middle Awash, Ethiopia. Nature
2001 Gilbert, W. & G.
Richards. Response to Hirsch:
Reevaluating digital vs. conventional photographic cameras for research. Anatomical
Record (New Anatomist) 265:130-131
2000 Gilbert, W., & G.
Richards. Digital imaging of bone and tooth modification. Anatomical
Record (New Anatomist) 261: 237-246
2000 Gilbert W., B. Asfaw, & T. White.
Chapter 7: Paleontology. In: The Acheulean and the Plio-Pleistocene Deposits
of the Middle Awash Valley, Ethiopia. de
Heinzelin, J., J. Clark, K. Schick, & W. Gilbert (eds.) MusŽe Royal de
LÕAfrique Centrale, Tervuren, Belgium
2000 de Heinzelin J., G.
WoldeGabriel, T. White, W. Gilbert, & B. Asfaw. Chapter 2: Geography, Mapping, and
Nomenclature. In: The Acheulean and the Plio-Pleistocene Deposits of the
Middle Awash Valley, Ethiopia. de Heinzelin, J.,
J. Clark, K. Schick, and W. Gilbert (eds.) MusŽe Royal de LÕAfrique Centrale,
Tervuren, Belgium
1999 DeGusta, D., W. Gilbert, & S. Turner. Hypoglossal canal size and hominid speech. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, USA 96 (4): 1800-1804
1997 Güleç, E., Clark, D., Curtis, G., Gilbert, A., Gilbert, H., Howell, F., Karabõyõkogùlu, M., Saraç, G., Sevim, A., Ünay, E.,& T. White. The Early Pleistocene lacustrine deposits of Dursunlu, preliminary results, INTER-INQUA Colloquium, pp. 69-74.
Databases, Websites and Electronic Publications
2007 M. Black, T. White, K. Brudvik, D. Su, H. Gilbert, and J. R. Boisserie. RHOI Database Template v. 1.0. rhoi.berkeley.edu/RHOI_Database_Template/downloads.php
2003-present fossilized.org
2007-present CSU East Bay Anthropology Department and Human Evolutionary
Studies Laboratory webpages
2008-present forost.org
Forensic osteology visual database linking the public to forensic osteology
images and data from museums and other institutions worldwide.
2006-present middleawash.berkeley.edu
Middle Awash project website. Designed and developed Middle Awash website,
including searchable online fossil catalog.
2005-present herc.berkeley.edu
Human Evolution Research Center main website. Designed and developed HERC
website, including searchable online cast catalog.
Conferences and Presentations
2018 Gilbert, W. H., L.V. Golovanova, V.B. Doronichev. The emergence of Late Acheulean pattern of biface production and resharpening (on materials of Hugub locality, 600-500 ka, in Ethiopia).. Wiley Encyclopedia of Anthropology
2018 Ana•s Canevet, David Cochard, Christopher J KnŸsel, Michel Brenet, Marion CORBƒ, Thibault BIENVENU, Marine FABRER, Lee ROZADA, Daniel CUSIMANO, Jennifer PARKINSON, Socorro B‡ez-Molgado, William Gilbert, Antoine Souron. An actualistic replication of a cranial fracture and linear mark observed on a Middle Pleistocene(0.6 Ma) fossil suid from Bodo, Ethiopia : human predation or natural cause? March 2018 Conference: African Conference on Experimental ArchaeologyAt: Johannesburg
2014 Whatever Happened to Homo erectus?, August 20, 2014. produced by Wonderfest and Ask a Scientist.
2014 Produced talk African Origins of Human Intelligence with speaker Yonatan Sahle, February 19, CSU East Bay Theater
2013 Panel participant, PaleoCore Workshop Austin, Texas7-8 November 2013
2013 Inaugural Presentation, Tercer Seminario Internacional. Third International Forensic Anthropology Seminar, Antropologicas, UNAM, México City. August 26-30, 2013.
Organized the 3rd Seminario Internacional de Antropolog’a Forense,August 26-30, 2013, Instituto de Investigaciones Antropológicas, UNAM, Mexico City Seminario
Internacional de Antropologia Forense
2013 A Middle Pleistocene Occupation at Hugub, Ethiopia. Public Presentation Given at Archaeology Research Facility, UC Berkeley.
2013 Metabases and Priority. Symposium presentation: Toward a Data Standard for Paleolithic Archaeology. Society for American Archaeology, Honolulu, Hawaii.
2013 A Middle Pleistocene Occupation at Hugub, Ethiopia. Public Presentation Given at Primate Reading Group, UC Berkeley.
Introducing FOROST: An International Free-Access Visual Forensic Osteology and
Osteopathology Metabase
William H. Gilbert, PhD; Socorro Baez, MS; Raul Castillo, BS; Carlos Serrano, PhD;
Kate Spradley, PhD*. American Academy of Forensic Science AAFS Meeting Books
2012 Out of Africa, the Origins of Humans, East Bay Athiests, Berkeley Main Library.
2012 Forum Lecture Series
One Million Years Ago: Homo erectus, the Acheulean, and prehistoric globalization Spanos Theater, ,February 28, Cal Poly, San Luis Obispo.
Organized the 2nd Seminario Internacional de Antropolog’a Forense,
March 27-Apr 1, Instituto de Investigaciones Antropológicas, UNAM, Mexico City Seminario
Internacional de Antropologia Forense
FOROST (with Raul Castillo) 2nd Seminario Internacional de Antropolog’a Forense,
March 27-Apr 1, Instituto de Investigaciones Antropológicas, UNAM, Mexico City Seminario
Internacional de Antropologia Forense
2011 Wilkie Lecture, One Million Years Ago: Homo erectus, the Acheulean, and prehistoric globalization,October 27, Indiana University, Bloomington.
"Wonderfest 2010: How Did Evolution Shape Human Behavior?" (with David DeGusta) 12th annual Wonderfest Bay Area Festival
of Science. Berkeley Wonderfest
2010 ÒThe
Human Fossil Record.Ó November 18, 2010, Willard Middle School, Berkeley
2010 ÒThe
Daka Member, Homo
erectus in Africa.Ó October 14, 2010, Chico State University Department of
Anthropology Blog
entry about talk
ÒData Models and Data Integration in Paleoanthropology.Ó (with
Michael Black) Pleistocene Databases Acquisition, Storing, Sharing, June 10
& 11, 2010, Neanderthal Museum Mettmann, Germany, Organized by NESPOS
Society and the Neanderthal Museum Foundation NESPOS
workshop group photo
2010 ÒEthiopian
Diorama, a Glimpse of HumanityÕs Dawn.Ó February 3, 2010, East Bay Science CafŽ,
La Pe–a Cultural Center
Keynote presentation-ÒAn Introduction to Paleoanthropology.Ó Magistral
Conference, XV Coloquio Internacional de Antropolog’a F’sica, October 18-23,
MŽrida, Yucat‡n
2009 ÒThe
Daka Member and Pleistocene African Homo erectus.Ó XV Coloquio Internacional de
Antropolog’a F’sica, October 18-23, MŽrida, Yucat‡n
ÒKesem Kebena Dulecha Paleolithic Project, Ethiopia.Ó XV Coloquio Internacional
de Antropolog’a F’sica, October 18-23th, MŽrida, Yucat‡n
Co-organizer: Seminario de Antropolog’a Forense, March 16-20th, Mexico City images
ÒImplementing Multi-institution, Multi-user Databases in Forensic Osteology.Ó
Seminario de Antropolog’a Forense, Instituto de Investigaciones Antropológicas, UNAM, March 16-20, Mexico City
2008 Impact
Assessment and Mitigation at Kesem-Kebena. International
Conference on Paleoanthropology, Paleontology and Archaeology in Ethiopia.
Economic Commission for Africa, ECA Hall II, Addis Ababa,
2006 S. Baez-Molgado, W. Gilbert, G. Torres-Ram’rez, P.
Herrera-Saint-Leu, C. GutiŽrrez-Gonz‡lez, K. Herrera-Morales, A. Iberri-Jaime, N.
Ju‡rez-Reyna, & G. Mejorada-Millan.
Diagn—stico Neuro-Motor a partir de la observaci—n Anot—mica en un esqueleto:
colecci—n —sea del laboratoria de Antropolog’a F’sica. XXI Congreso Nacional de
Anatom’a, San Luis Postosi, Mexico
2003 Gilbert, W. Testing
hypotheses of demes within Homo erectus using parsimony analysis. American Journal of Physical Anthropology:
Suppl. 36: 100-100
2002 “1,000,000 BC - African Homo erectus” Los Alamos National Laboratory, Los Alamos
2002 "Finding African Homo erectus: Paleoanthropological fieldwork in Ethiopia" California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo
2001 "Nuevas Técnicas de Registro Digital de Fósiles" Instituto de Investigaciones Antropológicas, UNAM, Mexico City
2000 Gilbert, W. Microscopic
documentation of bone modification. American
Journal of Physical Anthropology: Suppl. 30: 158-158
1999 DeGusta, D., W. Gilbert, & S. Turner.The hypoglossal
canal: making silent skulls speak? American Journal of Physical Anthropology:
Suppl. 28: 116-116
2011 Stone Age Institute Award for Outstanding Research into Human Origins
2003 Louderback Award for Outstanding Paleontology Resaerch
2001 Outstanding Teaching Award, UC Berkeley Integrative Biology Department
2006-2012 Kesem Kebena Project Led expeditions to rescue antiquities in area
affected by Kesem and Kebena reservoirs. Recovered
Pleistocene and Neolithic fossils and artifacts, including hominid fossils.
2010 National Museum of Ethiopia directed installation of archaeology
1994-2005 Middle Awash Project Continued work in survey and excavation in
several Middle Awash localities, participating in and managing scientific and
logistical activities. Coordinated geological, archeological,
and paleontological fieldwork on the Early Pleistocene Daka Member of the Bouri
Formation. Recovered Homo erectus
calvaria BOU-VP-2/66. Coordinated excavation of Homo sapiens idaltu cranium BOU-VP-16/2 and
directed vertebrate fossil collection in the Herto Member. Recovered hominid cranial fossil BOU-VP-16/18. Recovered Ardipithecus ramidus phalanx in Aramis Member.1996 Continued
work in survey and excavation of Pliocene localities in the Aramis Member.
Began high-resolution geological and archeological
survey of the Bouri Formation. 1994 Participated in survey and excavation of Pliocene localities
in the Aramis Member. Participated in excavation of Ardipithecus ramidus partial skeleton.
1994 Dursunlu, Turkey Excavated the Pleistocene
site of Dursunlu, which has produced the earliest evidence of human occupation
in Turkey.
1992, 1993 Central Turkey Participated in a collaborative
U.C. Berkeley/Ankara University project surveying numerous Miocene, Pliocene,
and Pleistocene localities of paleoanthropological interest.
2010 Leakey
Foundation Research Grant Kesem Kebena Project
2008 Private donation
to CSU East Bay Kesem Kebena Reservoir Impact Salvage Project
2007 CSU East Bay
Faculty Support Grant Kesem Kebena Reservoir Impact Salvage Project
2007 Leakey
Foundation Research Grant Kesem Kebena Project
2003 Leakey
Foundation Dissertation Improvement Grant Paleontology of the Daka Member of the Bouri Formation, Ethiopia
2007-present Human Evolutionary Studies Laboratory, CSU East Bay
1994-present Human Evolution Research Center, UC Berkeley
Laboratory manager
2005-2010 Revealing Hominid Origins Initiative, UC Berkeley
Managed data network, databases, and website.
1994-present National Museum of Ethiopia, Addis Ababa
Managed movement of antiquites into new museum
complex. Multiple responsibilities
related to photography, publication, curation, replication, preservation, and
study of fossils and artifacts.
2001-present Instituto de Investigaciones Antropol—gicas, UNAM, Mexico CITY
Instruction in identifying human osteological
remains. Instruction
in digital photography techniques. Instruction
in techniques for analyzing assemblages of modified bones and in molding and
1996-2005 Middle Awash Digital Map Archive
Facilitated the conversion of data to ENVI GIS formats. Designed
and managed a satellite and air photo GIS database for the Middle Awash
1996, 1999, 2009-10 Berkeley Geochronology Center
Prepared geological samples for irradiation and