 History of Prehistory
 Geochronological timescale
 Hominin Species Names
 Site List
Sites about 0.78 to 1 million years old:
Jebel Barakah ~ 0.395 Ma
Saint-Acheul ~ 0.45 Ma
Wadi Dagadle ~ 0.5 Ma
Yediyapur Locality IV ~ 0.55 Ma
Menchecourt ~ 0.55 Ma
Cave of Hearths Bed 1-3 ~ 0.59 Ma
Kebibat (Rabat) ~ 0.6 Ma
Pakefield ~ 0.615 Ma
Maayan Barukh ~ 0.65 Ma
Gesher Benot Yaakov ~ 0.7 Ma
Mount Pua (Mt. Pua) ~ 0.75 Ma
Isenya or Isinya ~ 0.75 Ma
Attirampakkam ~ 0.75005 Ma
Zhoukoudian Locality 15 ~ 0.77 Ma
Yunxian County ~ 0.775 Ma
Wonderwerk Cave; Major Unit 7 (Exc 1 10a 10b) ~ 0.78005 Ma
Bose Basin paleolithic sites ~ 0.7835 Ma
Melka Kontoure ~ 0.7905 Ma
Saldanha ~ 0.8 Ma
Atapuerca Gran Dolina (TD 6 level) ~ 0.8185 Ma
Swartkrans Member 3 ~ 0.83 Ma
Trinil ~ 0.84 Ma
Bapang Formation ~ 0.84 Ma
Estrecho del Quipar ~ 0.885 Ma
Evron Quarry ~ 0.89 Ma
Dursunlu ~ 0.89 Ma
Makuyuni Upper Manyara Beds ~ 0.9 Ma
Isampur ~ 0.915 Ma
Olduvai Gorge Bed III ~ 0.975 Ma
Olorgesaille Member 1 ~ 0.983 Ma
Thomas Quarries ~ 0.989 Ma
Buia ~ 1 Ma
Kedung Brubus ~ 1 Ma
Sunjiadong ~ 1 Ma
Middle Awash Daka Member ~ 1.019 Ma
Xiaochangliang ~ 1.02 Ma
Koobi Fora Lower Chari Member ~ 1.055 Ma
Gadeb ~ 1.075 Ma
Omo Member L ~ 1.075 Ma
Xiaodukou ~ 1.09 Ma
Yuanmou ~ 1.1 Ma
Makuyuni Lower Manyara Beds ~ 1.125 Ma
Busidima North and Asbole ~ 1.15 Ma
Kilombe ~ 1.3 Ma
Kanjera ~ 1.35 Ma
Wonderwerk Cave; Major Unit 8 (Exc. 1 11) ~ 1.37 Ma
Wonderwerk Cave; Major Unit 9 (Exc. 1 12a-c) ~ 1.37 Ma
Middle Awash Aramis Member ~ 4.4005 Ma
Sites with age ranges that overlap or fall within the period from

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Database structure, interface design, and content ©2002-2025 Henry Gilbert

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Human Fossil Record by Henry Gilbert is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.
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Color key to archaeology dots on map
archaeology legend presents precise geographic locations and current best date estimates for late Miocene, Pliocene, and Pleistocene sites with human ancestor (hominin) fossils and archaeology. Several interactive visual interfaces allow users to generate maps and tables that relate localities, fossils, tools, and evolutioanry events with geography and time. The data content is dynamic and is updated daily, as are new interface features. This site started as a course syllabus for Anthropology 3101: Human Evolution 2 at California State University, East Bay, and grew with each quarter it was used. Now has over 200 sites and hundreds of bibliographic citations. Check back often for updates. human evolution database paleoanthropology biological anthropology database physical anthropology human origins coordinates site locations location latitude longitude age Pleistocene database Quaternary database Pliocene Holocene evolutionary history site database geochronology hominin hominidae hominid hominini acheulean oldowan middle stone age mousterian paleolithic late stone age neolithic hominin database hominin DB hominin darabase hominin dayabase hominin datavase hominid darabase hominid dayabase hominid datavase hominid database hominid fossil database human origins database hominin database hominin fossil database hominid skull human ancestor database fossil human ancestors best paleoanthropology site best paleoanthropology database best hominin database best hominid database hominin site database hominid site database coordinates map hominid site map hominin site map paleoanthropology site coordinates human evolution database human origins database fossil record database