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Calvert, A., K. Flammer, A. Hayes, C. Ibarra, T. Lin, D. Lowen, M. Pevey,M. Thompson, S. Vivelo, B. Wheelis, & H. Gilbert. 2025. Species naming and current status of Sahelanthropus tchadensis. Accessed from the Human Fossil Record Database at on January 17, 2025 .

 Sahelanthropus tchadensis

Original diagnosis:"Sahelanthropus is distinct from all living great apes in the following respects: relatively smaller canines with apical wear, the lower showing a full occlusion above the well-developed distal tubercle, probably correlated with a non-honing C-P3 complex (P3 still unknown). Sahelanthropus is distinguished as a hominid from large living and known fossil hominoid genera in the following respects: from Pongo by a non-concave lateral facial profile, a wider intertribal pillar, superoinferiorly short subnasal height, an anteroposteriorly short face, robust supraorbital morphology, and many dental characters (described below); from Gorilla by smaller size, a narrower and less prognathic lower face, no supratoral sulcus, and smaller canines and lower-cusped cheek teeth; from Pan by an anteroposteriorly shorter face, a thicker and more continuous supraorbital torus with no supratoral sulcus, a relatively longer braincase and narrower basicranium with a flat nuchal plane and a large external occipital crest, and cheek teeth with thicker enamel; from Samburupithecus by a more anteriorly and higher-placed zygomatic process of the maxilla, smaller cheek teeth with lower cusps and without lingual cingula, and smaller upper premolars and M3; from Ouranopithecus by smaller size, a superoinferiorly, anteroposteriorly and mediolaterally shorter face, relatively thicker continuous supraorbital torus, markedly smaller but mesiodistally longer canines, apical wear and large distal tubercle in lower canines, and thinner postcanine enamel; from Sivapithecus by a supero- inferiorly and anteroposteriorly shorter face with non-concave lateral profile, a wider intertribal pillar, smaller canines with apical wear, and thinner cheek-teeth enamel; from Dryopithecus by a less prognathic lower face with a wider intertribal pillar, larger supraorbital torus, and thicker postcanine enamel. Sahelanthropus is also distinct from all known hominid genera in the following respects: from Homo by a small endocranial capacity (preliminary estimated range 320?380 cm3) associated with a long flat nuchal plane, a longer truncated triangle-shaped basioccipital, a flat frontal squama behind a robust continuous and undivided supraorbital torus, a large central upper incisor, and non-incisiform canines; from Paranthropus by a convex facial profile that is less mediolaterally wide with a much smaller malar region, no frontal trigone, the frontal squama with no hollow posterior to glabella, a smaller, longer and narrower braincase, the zygomatic process of the maxilla positioned more posterior relative to the tooth row, and markedly smaller cheek teeth; from Australopithecus by a less prognathic lower face (nasospinale?prosthion length shorter at least in presumed males) with a smaller malar (infraorbital) region and a larger, more continuous supraorbital torus, a relatively more elongate braincase, a relatively long, flat nuchal plane with a large external occipital crest, non-incisiform and mesiodistally long canines, and thinner cheek-teeth enamel; from Kenyanthropus by a narrower, more convex face, and a narrower braincase with more marked postorbital constriction and a larger nuchal crest; from Ardipithecus by upper I1 with distinctive lingual topography characterized by extensive development of the crests and cingulum; less incisiform upper canines not diamond shaped with a low distal shoulder and a mesiodistal long axis, bucco-lingually narrower lower canines with stronger distal tubercle, and P4 with two roots; from Orrorin by upper I1 with multiple tubercles on the lingual fossa, and non-chimp-like upper canines with extensive apical wear."

Date of Publication:  2002
Authors: Brunet, Michael Guy, Franck Pilbeam, David Mackaye, Hassane Taisso Likius, Andossa Ahounta, Djimdoumalbaye Beauvilain, Alain Blondel, Cecile Bocherens, Herve Boisserie, Jean-Renaud De Bonis, Louis Coppens, Yves Dejax, Jean Denys, Christiane Duringer, Philippe Eisenmann, Vera Fanone, Gongdibe Fronty, Pierre Geraads, Denis
Holotype: TM 266-01-060-1, a nearly complete cranium with the following: on the right—I2 alveolus, C (distal part), P3–P4 roots, fragmentary M1 and M2, M3; and on the left—I2 alveolus, C–P4 roots, fragmentary M1–M3 (Fig. 1 and Tables 1–5). Found by D.A. on 19 July 2001.
Citation: Brunet, M., F. Guy, et al. 2002. A new hominid from the Upper Miocene of Chad, Central Africa. Nature 418: 145-151.
Sites that have fossils assigned to tchadensis

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