~1,000,000 years old Locality: Sunjiadong, Luoyang, Luanchuan County, Henan, China, China (age between 1.8 Ma and 0.2 Ma based on No basis) |
~1,090,000 years old Locality: Xiaodukou, Nihewan Basin, China (age between 1.78 Ma and 0.4 Ma based on Paleomag) |
~1,100,000 years old Locality: Yuanmou, Shangnabang, China (age between 1.7 Ma and 0.5 Ma based on Biochronology and paleomagnetism) |
~1,300,000 years old Locality: Kilombe, Kilombe Volcano, between Lake Victoria and Nairobi, Kenya (age between 1.8 Ma and 0.8 Ma based on ) |
~1,350,000 years old Locality: Kanjera, Winam Bay, Lake Vicotria, Near Mount Homa, Kenya (age between 2.2 Ma and 0.5 Ma based on ) |
~1,360,000 years old Locality: Swartkrans Member 2, Swartkrans, Cradle of Humankind, South Africa (age between 1.65 Ma and 1.07 Ma based on U-Pb on teeth) |
~1,370,000 years old Locality: Wonderwerk Cave; Major Unit 8 (Exc. 1 11), Kuruman Hills, situated between Danielskuil and Kuruman in the Northern Cape Province, South Africa (age between 1.96 Ma and 0.78 Ma based on Paleomag; Inferred from surrounding dated units) |
~1,370,000 years old Locality: Wonderwerk Cave; Major Unit 9 (Exc. 1 12a-c), Kuruman Hills, situated between Danielskuil and Kuruman in the Northern Cape Province, South Africa (age between 1.96 Ma and 0.78 Ma based on Paleomag and Al-Be radiometric dating) |
~1,400,000 years old Locality: Perning or Mojokerto, upper Pucangan Formation, Indonesia (age between 1.8 Ma and 1 Ma based on K-Ar (but not problems with provenience) |
~1,460,000 years old Locality: Olduvai Gorge Bed II, Olduvai Gorge, Tanzania (age between 1.75 Ma and 1.17 Ma based on K-Ar) |
~1,565,000 years old Locality: Konso Kayle Member, Konso-Gardula, Ethiopia (age between 1.72 Ma and 1.41 Ma based on K-Ar) |
~1,567,000 years old Locality: Ileret (KBS Member), KBS Member, Ileret East Turkana, Kenya (age between 1.607 Ma and 1.527 Ma based on Ar-Ar) |
~1,615,000 years old Locality: Vaal River Rietputs Formation, Rietputs Formation, Windsorton, Northern Cape Province, South Africa (age between 1.89 Ma and 1.34 Ma based on An absolute dating technique based on the build-up and decay of 26Al and 10Be in the mineral quartz) |
~1,625,000 years old Locality: Majuangou, (lowest level) Nihewan basin, northern China, China (age between 1.7 Ma and 1.55 Ma based on Paleomag) |
~1,635,000 years old Locality: Omo Member J, Member J, Omo Shungura, northern Lake Turkana, Ethiopia (age between 1.74 Ma and 1.53 Ma based on K-Ar) |
~1,650,000 years old Locality: Coopers Cave, Sterkfontein Valley, South Africa (age between 1.9 Ma and 1.4 Ma based on Biostrat and Uranium-series) |
~1,700,000 years old Locality: Dmanisi, southwest of Tbilisi eastern Georgia, Georgia (age between 1.8 Ma and 1.6 Ma based on K-Ar, paleomag) |
~1,710,000 years old Locality: Chesowanja, Chemoigut Formation, Lake Baringo Area, Kenya (age between 2 Ma and 1.42 Ma based on K-Ar) |
~1,725,000 years old Locality: Kokiselei Lower Kaitio Member, West Turkana, Kokiselei, Kenya (age between 1.8 Ma and 1.65 Ma based on K-Ar, paleomag, strat iterp) |
~1,745,000 years old Locality: Koobi Fora KBS Member, Koobi Fora Formation, East Lake Turkana, Kenya (age between 1.87 Ma and 1.62 Ma based on K-Ar) |
~1,750,000 years old Locality: Kromdraai, Cradle of Humankind, South Africa (age between 2 Ma and 1.5 Ma based on Biochron, paleomag, ESR) |
~1,765,000 years old Locality: Kokiselei KS4, Kokiselei KS4, Nachukui Formation, West Turkana, Kenya (age between 1.81 Ma and 1.72 Ma based on Linear extrapolation (visual projection) from nearby KBS and Kalochoro tuffs ) |
~1,785,000 years old Locality: Lezignan-le-Cebe, Hérault Valley, France (age between 2 Ma and 1.57 Ma based on Ar-Ar) |
~1,815,000 years old Locality: Konso Turuho Member, Konso-Gardula, Ethiopia (age between 1.91 Ma and 1.72 Ma based on K-Ar) |
~1,820,000 years old Locality: Omo Member H, Member H, Omo Shungura, northern Lake Turkana, Ethiopia (age between 1.9 Ma and 1.74 Ma based on K-Ar) |
~1,830,000 years old Locality: Swartkrans Member 1 (Hanging remnant and Lower Bank), Swartkrans, Cradle of Humankind, South Africa (age between 2.21 Ma and 1.45 Ma based on U-Pb on teeth) |
~1,830,000 years old Locality: Drimolen, Cradle of Humankind, South Africa (age between 2.21 Ma and 1.45 Ma based on Faunal correlation with Swartkrans Member 1) |
~1,860,000 years old Locality: Koobi Fora Area 123, Area 123, Bura Hasuma region, KBS Member or Upper Burgi Member, Koobi Fora Formation, East Lake Turkana, Kenya (age between 1.94 Ma and 1.78 Ma based on K-Ar) |
~1,865,000 years old Locality: Malapa Cave, Grootvleispruit streambed, South Africa (age between 1.95 Ma and 1.78 Ma based on U-Pb, Paleomag) |
~1,900,000 years old Locality: Nyabusosi, Western Rift near Lake Albert, Uganda (age between 2.3 Ma and 1.5 Ma based on Biostrat correlation to Omo Shungura G, lower hominid-bearing unit unly) |
~1,910,000 years old Locality: Olduvai Gorge Bed I, Olduvai Gorge, Tanzania (age between 2.03 Ma and 1.79 Ma based on K-Ar) |
~1,950,000 years old Locality: Sterkfontein Member 5, Sterkfontein, Cradle of Humankind, South Africa (age between 2.5 Ma and 1.4 Ma based on Fauna, artifact content) |
~2,840,000 years old Locality: Sterkfontein Member 4, Sterkfontein, Cradle of Humankind, South Africa (age between 4.18 Ma and 1.5 Ma based on Biochron and Paleomag) |