Sites with age ranges that overlap or fall within the period from
~40,000 years old Locality: Forbes Quarry, north face of Rock, Gibralter (age between 0.06 Ma and 0.02 Ma based on rough stratigraphic relationship to dated Vanguard and Gorham caves, also on Gibralter) |
~40,000 years old Locality: Devil's Tower, north face of Rock, Gibralter (age between 0.06 Ma and 0.02 Ma based on rough stratigraphic relationship to dated Vanguard and Gorham caves, also on Gibralter) |
~40,500 years old Locality: Okladnikov Cave, Altai Mountains, Russia (age between 0.048 Ma and 0.033 Ma based on Radiocarbon and U series) |
~40,500 years old Locality: Denisova Cave, Altai Mountains, southern Siberia, Russia (age between 0.046 Ma and 0.035 Ma based on ) |
~41,000 years old Locality: Laibin, Guangxi, China (age between 0.044 Ma and 0.038 Ma based on U-series) |
~41,000 years old Locality: Lakonis, Mani, southern Peloponnese, Greece (age between 0.044 Ma and 0.038 Ma based on C14) |
~43,200 years old Locality: Baigara, West Siberian Plain, Russia (age between 0.0434 Ma and 0.043 Ma based on Radiocarbon) |
~43,500 years old Locality: Grotta di Fumane, Fumane Cave, Lessini Hills, north of Verona, Italy (age between 0.0448 Ma and 0.0422 Ma based on Radiocarbon, ESR) |
~43,621 years old Locality: El Sidron, Galería del Osario, El Sidrón Cave, Asturias, Spain (age between 0.045288 Ma and 0.041953 Ma based on Radiocarbon) |
~44,250 years old Locality: Les Rochers-de-Villeneuve, Lussac-les-Ch?teaux, Vienne, France (age between 0.045 Ma and 0.0435 Ma based on Radiocarbon) |
~45,000 years old Locality: Tabun, Mount Carmel, Israel (age between 0.05 Ma and 0.04 Ma based on Radiocarbon) |
~45,000 years old Locality: Kebara, Mount Carmel, Israel (age between 0.049 Ma and 0.041 Ma based on Radiocarbon) |
~45,000 years old Locality: Banyolas or Banyoles, (Banyoles), Catalunya, Spain (age between 0.049 Ma and 0.041 Ma based on U-series) |
~49,500 years old Locality: Mugharet el Aliya or Caves of Hercules, Cap Ashakar, Morocco (age between 0.06 Ma and 0.039 Ma based on ESR, Biochron) |
~50,000 years old Locality: La Ferrassie, Dordogne Valley, France (age between 0.07 Ma and 0.03 Ma based on various methods) |
~50,000 years old Locality: Le Moustier, Dordogne Valley, France (age between 0.07 Ma and 0.03 Ma based on ) |
~50,000 years old Locality: La Chapelle-aux-saints, Dordogne Valley, France (age between 0.07 Ma and 0.03 Ma based on ) |
~50,000 years old Locality: La Quina, Dordogne Valley, France (age between 0.07 Ma and 0.03 Ma based on ) |
~50,000 years old Locality: La Naulette, Furfooz, Belgium (age between 0.08 Ma and 0.02 Ma based on Faunal and lithological correlation to the last ice age (Pleniglacial)) |
~50,000 years old Locality: Kanam, Kavirondo Gulf, Lake Victorie, Kenya (age between 0.1 Ma and 0 Ma based on ) |
~50,900 years old Locality: Vanguard Cave units, southern face of Rock, Gibralter (age between 0.06 Ma and 0.0418 Ma based on radiocarbon) |
~52,500 years old Locality: Mezmaiskaya3d, northwest Caucasus mountains, Russia (age between 0.070 Ma and 0.035 Ma based on ) |
~55,000 years old Locality: Loyangalani (Tanzania), east of Lake Victoria, Tanzania (age between 0.1 Ma and 0.01 Ma based on unspecified) |
~55,000 years old Locality: Abric Romani Mousterian, Capellades, Spain (age between 0.070 Ma and 0.040 Ma based on U/Th) |
~56,500 years old Locality: Liang Bua cave, Flores, Indonesia (age between 0.095 Ma and 0.018 Ma based on Radiocarbon, infrared stimulated luminescence (IRSL), TL, ESR U-series) |
~62,500 years old Locality: Dederiyeh Cave, الباسوطة , Syria (age between 0.1 Ma and 0.025 Ma based on ) |
~62,500 years old Locality: Zeeland Ridges, North Sea, Netherlands (age between 0.1 Ma and 0.025 Ma based on unspecified) |
~66,250 years old Locality: Huanglong Cave, Hubei Province, China (age between 0.105 Ma and 0.0275 Ma based on ESR, U-Series) |
~67,500 years old Locality: Teshik-Tash, Samarkand, Uzbekistan (age between 0.125 Ma and 0.01 Ma based on unspecified) |
~67,500 years old Locality: Abu Hugar, , Sudan (age between 0.125 Ma and 0.01 Ma based on Late Pleistocene based on fauna. Very imprecise.) |
~70,000 years old Locality: Obi-Rakhmat Grotto, near Tashkent, Uzbekistan (age between 0.1 Ma and 0.04 Ma based on Various including U series) |
~105,000 years old Locality: Eliye Springs, West Turkana, Kenya, Kenya (age between 0.2 Ma and 0.01 Ma based on unclear based on morphology of cranium.) |
~220,500 years old Locality: Sambungmachan, Java, Indonesia (age between 0.401 Ma and 0.04 Ma based on ESR, U-series) |
~395,000 years old Locality: Jebel Barakah, coastline between Jebel Dhannah and the Qatar peninsula, Abu Dhabi (age between 0.780 Ma and 0.010 Ma based on stratigraphic position and geomorphology) |
~750,000 years old Locality: Mount Pua (Mt. Pua), Central Dishon Valley, Upper Galilee, Israel (age between 1.5 Ma and 0 Ma based on nothing) |
~750,050 years old Locality: Attirampakkam, Tamil Nadu, India (age between 1.5 Ma and 0.0001 Ma based on archaeology) |