Sites with age ranges that overlap or fall within the period from
~35,000 years old Locality: Engis, Awirs Cave (Awir Cave, Avir Cave, Avirs Cave), Liège, Belguim, Belguim (age between 0.04 Ma and 0.03 Ma based on Biochronology) |
~35,000 years old Locality: Grimaldi, (Balzi Rossi: Grotta del Conte Costantini, Grotta dei Fanciulli, Grotta dei Fanciulli, Grotta di Florestano, Riparo Mochi shelter Mochi, Grotta del Caviglione, Cave of Caviglione, Barma Grande, Barma Grande, Grotta del Principe, Grotta del Principe), Liguria
, Italy (age between 0.04 Ma and 0.03 Ma based on Radiocarbon) |
~40,000 years old Locality: Feldhofer Cave, Neander Valley, Germany (age between 0.04 Ma and 0.04 Ma based on Radiocarbon) |
~40,000 years old Locality: Mungo, Lake Mungo, Australia (age between 0.042 Ma and 0.038 Ma based on ) |
~40,000 years old Locality: Forbes Quarry, north face of Rock, Gibralter (age between 0.06 Ma and 0.02 Ma based on rough stratigraphic relationship to dated Vanguard and Gorham caves, also on Gibralter) |
~40,000 years old Locality: Devil's Tower, north face of Rock, Gibralter (age between 0.06 Ma and 0.02 Ma based on rough stratigraphic relationship to dated Vanguard and Gorham caves, also on Gibralter) |
~40,000 years old Locality: Peştera cu Oase or Pestera cu Oase, (Pestera cu Oase), southwestern Carpathian Mountains, Romania (age between 0.041 Ma and 0.039 Ma based on Radiocarbon) |
~40,500 years old Locality: Zhoukoudian Tianyuan, Zhoukoudian, China (age between 0.042 Ma and 0.039 Ma based on accelerator mass spectrometry radiocarbon on human remains) |
~40,500 years old Locality: Okladnikov Cave, Altai Mountains, Russia (age between 0.048 Ma and 0.033 Ma based on Radiocarbon and U series) |
~40,500 years old Locality: Denisova Cave, Altai Mountains, southern Siberia, Russia (age between 0.046 Ma and 0.035 Ma based on ) |
~41,000 years old Locality: Laibin, Guangxi, China (age between 0.044 Ma and 0.038 Ma based on U-series) |
~41,000 years old Locality: Lakonis, Mani, southern Peloponnese, Greece (age between 0.044 Ma and 0.038 Ma based on C14) |
~43,621 years old Locality: El Sidron, Galería del Osario, El Sidrón Cave, Asturias, Spain (age between 0.045288 Ma and 0.041953 Ma based on Radiocarbon) |
~45,000 years old Locality: Tabun, Mount Carmel, Israel (age between 0.05 Ma and 0.04 Ma based on Radiocarbon) |
~45,000 years old Locality: Kebara, Mount Carmel, Israel (age between 0.049 Ma and 0.041 Ma based on Radiocarbon) |
~45,000 years old Locality: Banyolas or Banyoles, (Banyoles), Catalunya, Spain (age between 0.049 Ma and 0.041 Ma based on U-series) |
~49,500 years old Locality: Mugharet el Aliya or Caves of Hercules, Cap Ashakar, Morocco (age between 0.06 Ma and 0.039 Ma based on ESR, Biochron) |
~50,000 years old Locality: La Ferrassie, Dordogne Valley, France (age between 0.07 Ma and 0.03 Ma based on various methods) |
~50,000 years old Locality: Le Moustier, Dordogne Valley, France (age between 0.07 Ma and 0.03 Ma based on ) |
~50,000 years old Locality: La Chapelle-aux-saints, Dordogne Valley, France (age between 0.07 Ma and 0.03 Ma based on ) |
~50,000 years old Locality: La Quina, Dordogne Valley, France (age between 0.07 Ma and 0.03 Ma based on ) |
~50,000 years old Locality: La Naulette, Furfooz, Belgium (age between 0.08 Ma and 0.02 Ma based on Faunal and lithological correlation to the last ice age (Pleniglacial)) |
~50,000 years old Locality: Kanam, Kavirondo Gulf, Lake Victorie, Kenya (age between 0.1 Ma and 0 Ma based on ) |
~50,900 years old Locality: Vanguard Cave units, southern face of Rock, Gibralter (age between 0.06 Ma and 0.0418 Ma based on radiocarbon) |
~52,500 years old Locality: Mezmaiskaya3d, northwest Caucasus mountains, Russia (age between 0.070 Ma and 0.035 Ma based on ) |
~55,000 years old Locality: Loyangalani (Tanzania), east of Lake Victoria, Tanzania (age between 0.1 Ma and 0.01 Ma based on unspecified) |
~55,000 years old Locality: Abric Romani Mousterian, Capellades, Spain (age between 0.070 Ma and 0.040 Ma based on U/Th) |
~56,500 years old Locality: Liang Bua cave, Flores, Indonesia (age between 0.095 Ma and 0.018 Ma based on Radiocarbon, infrared stimulated luminescence (IRSL), TL, ESR U-series) |
~62,500 years old Locality: Dederiyeh Cave, الباسوطة , Syria (age between 0.1 Ma and 0.025 Ma based on ) |
~62,500 years old Locality: Zeeland Ridges, North Sea, Netherlands (age between 0.1 Ma and 0.025 Ma based on unspecified) |
~66,250 years old Locality: Huanglong Cave, Hubei Province, China (age between 0.105 Ma and 0.0275 Ma based on ESR, U-Series) |
~67,500 years old Locality: Teshik-Tash, Samarkand, Uzbekistan (age between 0.125 Ma and 0.01 Ma based on unspecified) |
~67,500 years old Locality: Abu Hugar, , Sudan (age between 0.125 Ma and 0.01 Ma based on Late Pleistocene based on fauna. Very imprecise.) |
~70,000 years old Locality: Obi-Rakhmat Grotto, near Tashkent, Uzbekistan (age between 0.1 Ma and 0.04 Ma based on Various including U series) |
~105,000 years old Locality: Eliye Springs, West Turkana, Kenya, Kenya (age between 0.2 Ma and 0.01 Ma based on unclear based on morphology of cranium.) |
~220,500 years old Locality: Sambungmachan, Java, Indonesia (age between 0.401 Ma and 0.04 Ma based on ESR, U-series) |
~395,000 years old Locality: Jebel Barakah, coastline between Jebel Dhannah and the Qatar peninsula, Abu Dhabi (age between 0.780 Ma and 0.010 Ma based on stratigraphic position and geomorphology) |
~750,000 years old Locality: Mount Pua (Mt. Pua), Central Dishon Valley, Upper Galilee, Israel (age between 1.5 Ma and 0 Ma based on nothing) |
~750,050 years old Locality: Attirampakkam, Tamil Nadu, India (age between 1.5 Ma and 0.0001 Ma based on archaeology) |