Sites with age ranges that overlap or fall within the period from
~6,050 years old Locality: Wuyang Jiahu, Henan Province, China (age between 0.0061 Ma and 0.006 Ma based on Radiocarbon) |
~26,500 years old Locality: Cova Gran Upper Paleolithic levels, south-eastern Pyrenees in Catalonia, Spain (age between 0.032 Ma and 0.021 Ma based on Radiocarbon) |
~28,500 years old Locality: Mladec, (Mladeç), Moravia, Czech Republic (age between 0.031 Ma and 0.026 Ma based on Radiocarbon) |
~43,500 years old Locality: Grotta di Fumane, Fumane Cave, Lessini Hills, north of Verona, Italy (age between 0.0448 Ma and 0.0422 Ma based on Radiocarbon, ESR) |
~55,000 years old Locality: Loyangalani (Tanzania), east of Lake Victoria, Tanzania (age between 0.1 Ma and 0.01 Ma based on unspecified) |
~73,000 years old Locality: Blombos M1 level, M1 level, South Africa (age between 0.076 Ma and 0.07 Ma based on Optically stimulated luminescence (OSL)) |
~99,000 years old Locality: Blombos M3 level, M3 level, South Africa (age between 0.104 Ma and 0.094 Ma based on Optically stimulated luminescence (OSL)) |
~117,000 years old Locality: Skhul, ain Ghazal, Israel (age between 0.134 Ma and 0.1 Ma based on ESR, U-series) |
~142,000 years old Locality: Pinnacle Point, Mossel Bay, South Africa (age between 0.164 Ma and 0.120 Ma based on OSL) |
~452,500 years old Locality: Tan Tan, Draa River north of town of Tan Tan (incorrect location decribed by Bednarik, 2003), Morocco (age between 0.78 Ma and 0.125 Ma based on Archaeology) |